This book is a mapping of the invisible, archaeology of a reality: that of sex workers during the Republican period, revolution and war. Not only has it been denied and erased from all maps (social, political, academic and even militant), but its protagonists have been condemned to non-existence.

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This has forced us to resignify documents such as police or medical records (the mechanisms of control of women's bodies), or to reconstruct fragments of memory with the testimonies of third parties, such as those contained in some literary, historical or biographical works. All to understand in what context women who practiced prostitution had to develop their vital and political strategies.

Faced with the historical and historiographical habit that presents them as social agents of contagion no longer health, but moral, here we give news of sex workers enrolled as militia women, of collectivized workplaces or of the official creation of a "union of love". Moments in which they appear as subjects who take positions in a context of struggle for emancipation.

Radically connected with the current debates within feminism, Putas, República y revolución offers a historical perspective that allows us to face with greater depth of field the debates around sex work and its fit in social, class, gender and political conflicts, to which it has never been alien.


  • Marta Venceslao Pueyo (Gasteiz, 1976) PhD in Anthropology from the UB (Barcelona), where she is a professor, and from the UAM (Mexico). He is part of the Research Group on Exclusion and Social Control and directs the Master of Advanced Studies on Social Exclusion. His publications include: "Stigmatization process. The power of classifications" (Springer, 2020), "Pandemic and feminine condition" (Tirant lo Blanc, 2020) and Diagnosi de la prostitució a la Catalunya Central (DAE-Generalitat de Catalunya, 2020).
  • Mar Trallero (Barcelona, 1975) PhD in Spanish Philology, has a master's degree in Comparative Literature from the UAB (Barcelona), another in Modern Languages from A&M University (Texas) and a degree in Law from the UB (Barcelona). Member of the Group of Studies of Literary Exile (gexel), among other works he has published the book Neus Català. The antifeixista doughnut to Europe (Mina, 2008).
  • Generates. Association in defense of the rights of women who practice prostitution from a feminist perspective. Founded in 2003 in the city of Barcelona, it carries out intervention projects, as well as political work in support of sex workers.
  • Prologue Amalia Luna.
  • Epilogue Georgina Orellano.

Publisher: Virus.

Pages: 160.

Specific references
